St. Anns, Jamaica – 2011

Dear Mr. Mike,

I received an email from Bob a couple days ago, and he explained to me where a large portion of my mission’s support was from… I am so humbled to receive such a generous gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help in sending me to St. Anns, Jamaica! I was originally very hesitant in deciding to go because of my family’s financial struggles, but the Lord gave me full assurance that He had called me to go and He Would provide. The gift through your Mission Fund was the exact final amount that I needed to be fully paid up! He is so faithful to provide in the midst of the call. My faith has been truly strengthened and streched this year.

While in Jamaica, I learned so much about not only the beautiful Jamaican people, but also about the Lord, Christian community, and myself. The Jamaicans taught me what true joy and freedom is by allowing Jesus to shine through and overcome their hopelessness and fear. I learned so much about humility and loving God’s people wholeheartedly. The Lord’s presence was also more real to me than ever before. I have a new desire and passion to become more intimate with Him and truly get to know His heart. I am overwhelmed that He would choose me to serve Him.

I really enjoyed serving in the churches and schools. I have a passion to invest in the lives of children, so I loved spending time with them! I also had a blast getting to know out team and hearing their hearts. The highlight of my trip though was probably getting to visit the infirmary, a place of disease and sadness where many elderly stay while they basically wait to die. I was originally terrified to minister to these people. I was scared to see such hopelessness, and I had no idea what to say. I knew though that the Lord wanted to use me to be His hands and feet that day. I was fully dependent on Him the entire time. His Holy Spirit filled me and used me like never before in my life. I got to minister to a very sick woman named Ms. Lucela. I had the priveledge of singing with her, praying with her, reading the Word with her, and rubbing lotion on her hands and feet. We sang Jesus Loves Me over and over because that was her favorite song. Despite her hopeless situation, she was clinging to the promise that she would see Jesus face to face when she died. Her joy was contagious and I will never forget her. Before we left, she grabbed my hands and began to pray for me. She was thanking God was bringing “His angels” to her: to touch her, to sing over her, and to pray for her. I heart was so moved by her gratitude and closeness to the Father. We went to the infirmary that day to bless others, but I have no doubt that our group left with the biggest blessings. – – This was just one of the experiences that changed my life on this trip. I just thought I would share with you a taste of what the Lord did last week. (I attached a few pictures also)

May God bless you for your willingness to serve Him. I am so grateful!

In Christ’s Love,

Becca Shields

–Psalm 103–



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